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We do not, however, have the right to harm the innocent. As such, we have included this report button which is to be used by our community to flag obscene content. Child Pornography, torture, and killing have no place in civil discourse. While we encourage you to discuss whether or not these activities are justified, displays of such harm will not be condoned. SPEAK about it, if you must, but do not share videos or images. Be vigilant, report, and our team will review and take appropriate action. All reports are anonymous.
Two years and billions of dollars later what has our beloved government and its key affiliates (CNN, MSNBC and CBS/NBC/ABC learned.? The beloved Gov of California has announced a permanent Waltz with COVID in the form of a state of endemic. Thus resulting in a complete defeat on his part and everyone else per Govy Gavin.
Our government has so mishandled this. Biden and company along with Big Pharma have done their upmost best to stifle information and also info about therapeutics. Not everyone is capable of getting the "vaccine". But therapeutics are available, but the government is attempting to deny them. Why? Why would a government not do everything possible? And what diseases do they next decide are treatable or to. What therapeutics will be denied for what ailments? When the government starts to determine what treatments you can and cannot use, that should scare you. You should be nervous about a government who thinks they can determine who is treated and who is not. What class, race etc has access and which are disposable
With all the WHO's investments in China at the Lab, why haven't we seen a tad more transparency? Follow the money and ye shall see but where are the networks? Where are the journalistic professionals who actually give a crap about the future? Looks like a lovely place to figure this out.
The press and big tech in this country has silence so much information. They have determined what we can and cannot see or hear. They have stunted and silenced many voices and refused to have any dialogue that may be different than theirs. They determine who and who can't use their platforms. Can you imagine if Johannes Gutenberg had restricted who could and could not use his printing press? First, he would have limited the usability of many of his invention, and only a select narrative would be given to the people.
This is what is happening now. There is a select few who determine who can use the "printing press" and who can't. What can be said and what can't. A complete stomping on our 1st Amendment. Freedom of speech. Freedom of the press. Shameful and controlling behavior.
Those who say, "well that type of speech is offensive to me". and advocate for silencing, have not thought about the fact that next time it may be Their speech, or Their cause that will be silenced. And they will not stop for self reflection and realize they themselves created that scenario.Gutenberg is doing somersaults in his grave right now.