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Washington Township — Former President Donald Trump tried to boost select Michigan candidates running for secretary of state, attorney general and the Legislature in a nearly two-hour Saturday address that aimed to cement his influence in the Michigan GOP.
Three weeks ahead of the Michigan Republican nominating convention, Trump criticized Michigan’s 2020 election as “rigged” and encouraged supporters to ask each state candidate at the April 23 nominating convention “if they will support the Trump ticket.”
“If they won’t give you that assurance, don’t give them your vote,” he said to a crowd of more than 5,000 people at the Michigan Stars Sport Center in Washington Township. Thousands of

Washington Township — Former President Donald Trump tried to boost select Michigan candidates running for secretary of state, attorney general and the Legislature in a nearly two-hour Saturday address


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This woman has brass ones!!!!!!! Wish I could have seen the look on Justin's face!!! What a laugh riot that would have been. that must have ruffled his hair.

Interesting. Don’t remember anyone accusing Maxine and Sheila of a
Criminal conspiracy when they attempted to block Trump. Not to mention the Hollywood stars et al telling the electorates to go against their oath.

Hannity: Biden is delusional

Who Trump might pick for VP in 2024?

Former President Donald Trump and a right-wing lawyer, John Eastman, were part of a "criminal conspiracy" to overturn the 2020 presidential election, the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot alleges in a court filing Wednesday.

Former oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was once the richest man in Russia before spending 10 years in prison for going against Vladimir Putin, speaks with CNN's Erin Burnett about the Russian president's mindset and the state of the country's military a month into the war in Ukraine. #CNN #News
Thank you for allowing CNN fans to post freely and Anonymously

CNN's Nic Robertson reports on the similarities between Russia's war in Ukraine and its ill-fated invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s. #CNN #News
Great to see this site up and running. Heard about it and waiting for the news that you flashed up and running on social media. Looking forward to seeing all side's views and love that this is all Anonymous so people are truly free to state their views in the open. Keep up the great work
Brilliant move!!!! Wonder how the media WON'T report that stunning trick
The first documentary about Nancy Pelosi, the powerful and polarizing Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
This whole Hunter Biden treasonous act by the administration is actually a mistake. They should let the truth come out. They should place his worthless ass in prison for his crimes and then "The Big Guy 10%er" can pardon his son and he is completely protected. Whala....
While Ukraine pleads for help the American President rides his bike enjoying his freedom for now.
All I can say in 2022 Mid Terms cannot come soon enough.
It would not be a stretch to say that 90% of Americans are feeling uneasy right now. Even if they didn’t pay attention to politics, they pay attention to the things that effect their lives and their wallets. Every time they go to pump, they feel it. They absolutely know that last year it cost them $39 to fill their small SUV tank, and now it cost $50. They know instead of spending $250 at the grocery store, they are spending $50 to $80 more each week. They know this, they feel it. No amount of spin is going to convince them that their fuel, food and basic necessities are sustainable. You just can’t . And no amount of guilting them about the people suffering in Ukraine or Putin is a big bad meany will either. When you hit people in the old hip national, They Know It. You know the thing, Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining. And if you continue to treat them as though they are stupid and try to BS them, they will revolt. An election is coming, and they will absolutely revolt at the polls. And who do think they are going to blame for all this? Joe Biden and his gang of out of touch bandits. When they hear pundits on TV saying ‘this is Putins Gas War’ or ‘people just don’t understand, this is not the presidents fault’, they don’t care!!!! Maybe, and that is a BIG maybe, this is not Joe Biden’s fault. Again, they don’t care, they want Joe Biden to fix it. It’s that simple.
But it actually is Joe Biden’s fault. The day Joe Biden took office, he launched an attack on the American people without them knowing it. He destroyed the oil business with the stroke of a pen. Energy is the single most important thing when it comes to national security and living a comfortable life. Trump knew this, he even tried to warn other countries. But somehow, some little girl in Sweden yelled at them and they all shrank. OOOOOOO, some teenager with long braids in Stockholm just pointed her finger at us and yelled ‘how dare you’! We better regroup on that energy thing. As Germany and other countries as well as the United States ushered in the Green New Deal because they thought they had been shamed, the nasty actors chuckled and moved in. Is it a conspiracy theory to think that Russia, China and other countries or perhaps some in ours, may have had a hand in “The Green New Deal”.? Because they certainly benefit by it.
This is not to say that there is not a place for Green energy. Everyone would like a cleaner, greener world. There are places where windmills, solar etc fit into the equation. But to just pull the plug when we aren’t there yet is simply moronic. You can’t get rid of something before you have the replacement ready. It’s like quitting your job before you have another lined up. It’s just pure stupidity. Could you imagine coming home and announcing to your spouse “I just quit my job today”. The next question would be, “where are you going to earn an income?” You’d get a swift kick in the butt if you responded, “I’ll have one in a few years”. Yeah, well the kids are hungry tonight idiot. You can develop alternate energy sources and still function with oil while you are doing that. The old Don’t put all your eggs in one basket applies here.
To insist people go along with your ideas by making it financially impossible for them exist in any comfortable manner is devious and cruel. Forced conformity by making life uncomfortable and stressful with only one alternative, is not a good policy. Did Joe Biden really think if he made it impossible for people to heat their homes or fuel their cars to get to work, that they would just abandon their automobiles and rush out to buy an electric car? What planet is this administration on?
Don’t think this is the last demand coming your way. There are many more lined up. In order to accomplish these, Joe Biden has to completely upend this country. And like a dog on chain, that you remove one link at a time, until suddenly he finds himself next to the pole and can’t even turn around, you won’t know what freedoms you actually gave up, until they are non existent.
Tyranny is gradual. Sometimes you don’t realize it’s happening, until you realize, It Happened.
Freedom is fragile, and if you forget that, you have already lost it.
Listen how the 1.5 Trillion 2741-page Omnibus was passed at 2:30 AM with NO notification prior to Midnight, then only to Dems
Welcome to your results. Welcome to the future of the far left and what everyone knew prior to the elections that forced O'Biden into the White House. The cost of the far-left views and takedown of the country will take decades to repair if they can be stopped at all.
A green world is possible. But not in 2 weeks as this administration is starving itself to do. Creating a false hope that EVs solve everything and that rising fuel costs will actually push the public to buy the EVs. Odd as no such evidence is available and maybe Joe, your out-of-control spending and rising out-of-control inflation has created an economic disaster for investment?
Feeling The Squeeze Yet?
Yeah? Well tighten your belt, its gonna get worse.
The Biden administration is doing everything possible to make it as painful as possible under the guise of protection and security to force you to submit. He will not admit it or take credit for it, he will blame everything and everyone else. If you remember, the rise in gas and inflation was originally due to the Pandemic. The elites in our government used Covid for two years. They controlled if you went to work, the freedom to worship in church, if you spent holidays with your family and friends, if you could have a wedding or a funeral, where, when and how you could vote, what you ate and where you ate it. That was the test run. Did you ever wonder why the government tried to restrict gatherings? Maybe because when people congregate, they talk. And when they talk, they give their views and opinions. The government has only one opinion, and if you do not promote it and share it, well then, that's a problem. You may persuade people to think another way and the Biden administration just can't have that. So they restricted your ability to congregate and communicate. That was a great Grinchy trick.!!
Now that they were successful in that control, it's time for the big squeeze. Inflation! that will cause some Real discomfort. Gas prices are at an all time high, as if someone has to tell you that. In one year we went from $2.45 a gallon to, in some places, $7.15. The Biden administration wants everyone to go EV. If you can't afford seven dollars a gallon for gas, it's pretty safe to say, you can't afford a sixty five thousand dollar electric car. And if you could, and you wanted one, you'd already have one. Pete Buttigieg hasn't realized that yet, nor has he realized that car dealers don't have the inventory. And probably won't for a while. But hey, put your name on the waiting list, and either walk or ride your bike for a few years. It's good exercise.
The gas shortage of course will have the exact rippling effect that it was designed to do. It will determine what you eat, because the cost of food is going up almost as fast as fuel, it will determine where you drive and how far, if you can keep your current job, how you live, where you live, and make it so painful that you will look for other alternatives. The alternatives they want you to make. I believe it was Obama who said it must be necessarily expensive. It's a plan to inflict economic pain on the American public.
Of course, Biden will now blame it on Putin, Why not? RUSSIA!!!! worked in the past. Why not pull that old BS out of the dumpster and ratchet that up again? They will just now switch from Covid to Putin. This administration will come up with new and creative ways to blame and keep people in fear, and hence, manipulate them and punish them into behaving. Forced conformity is the goal.
We as a people have been asked to sacrifice for two very long years. Don't let them hoodwink you into believing they are doing all they can to help you. You take control of your life. We as Americans have always relied on our own beliefs, our own ingenuity, our resources. We have had a little help from our friends and family, but we depend on ourselves. We derive our rights from our creator, not dispensed in measured portions from the government. We are a kind, benevolent, prideful nation. We can govern ourselves and stand tall. Our voices are loud and proud, as they should be. Our freedoms are being slowly removed by people who pretend to care and want to protect. Protect yourself and most importantly your freedom. Our Bill Of Rights guarantee it.
Let Freedom Ring For All
Forced conformity is the Goal. It has now ratcheted up to a more desperate degree. And being done in plain site. Fear is the major weapon being used on all. But it is not done yet. There is more more pain to come
It makes you want to scream, Yo Joe!!! Open the freakin US ground and start pumping. Astounding, that even Nancy Pelosi has said, stop accepting Russian Oil. But everyone of these politicians stop short of the rest of that sentence. Stop accepting Russian oil AND open up every available oil supply we have in the United States. Not only would it help the US people, it would help the rest of the world. Makes you ask the question, WHY is Biden not doing that? Joe Biden seems hell bent in inflicting the most pain upon the American people. We can be energy independent. The crap the administration is trying to feed the American public that it would take years is BS. It was only a year ago that we were energy Independent, we aren't as addle brained as Joe Biden. We do have a memory longer than a gnat. He has not only in a short amount of time, destroyed the US economy, he's now moving on to other countries economies and quality of life as well.
The invasion marches on while the world sits and points fingers as the Putin illegal act of war. The NATO alliance is on full alert and actually showing signs of unification for the first time in decades. Sadly since WW2. But what is really going on? We had a 40-mile line of attack for all the world to watch while we did nothing to stop it with tempered threats from the POTUS who appears deshelved 90% of the time when he opens his mouth to express his views. He's clearly the reason why an aggressor like Putin timed this invasion. So, why didn't we destroy those roads the Russians so happily chose to use a single file? It reminded me of those old stickies that people stuck you unsuspecting vicitims "Kick Me".
And the NATO alliance did not want them to be a member...WOW, there is something wrong here! Now we know one of the key reasons Putin the new Hitler wants Ukraine...See, enclosed...
For those who ask: “Why does Ukraine matter?” and “Why does Putin want it back?”
How the nation of Ukraine ranks:
1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores;
2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves;
2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);
2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);
2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves;
3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters)
4th in the world by the total value of natural resources;
7th place in the world in coal reserves (33.9 billion tons)
Ukraine is an agricultural country:
1st in Europe in terms of arable land area;
3rd place in the world by the area of black soil (25% of world's volume);
1st place in the world in exports of sunflower and sunflower oil;
2nd place in the world in barley production and 4th place in barley exports;
3rd largest producer and 4th largest exporter of corn in the world;
4th largest producer of potatoes in the world;
5th largest rye producer in the world;
5th place in the world in bee production (75,000 tons);
8th place in the world in wheat exports;
9th place in the world in the production of chicken eggs;
16th place in the world in cheese exports.
Ukraine can meet the food needs of 600 million people.
Ukraine is an industrialized country:
1st in Europe in ammonia production;
2nd in Europe and 4th largest natural gas pipeline system in the world (142.5 bln cubic meters of gas throughput capacity in the EU);
3rd largest in Europe and 8th largest in the world in terms of installed capacity of nuclear power plants;
3rd place in Europe and 11th in the world in terms of rail network length (21,700 km);
3rd place in the world (after the U.S. and France) in production of locators and locating equipment;
3rd largest iron exporter in the world
4th largest exporter of turbines for nuclear power plants in the world;
4th world's largest manufacturer of rocket launchers;
4th place in the world in clay exports
4th place in the world in titanium exports
8th place in the world in exports of ores and concentrates;
9th place in the world in exports of defense industry products;
10th largest steel producer in the world (32.4 million tons).
No time like the present. The Russian people need to be held accountable. They have a lunatic with his hands on the nuclear switch. Rise up and take back your country. Never forget what isolation feels like when your stores are bare. Forty percent of your precious income comes from Oil. Regardless of whether you endorse the future of transportation being EVs you are completely reliant on oil exports to stock your shelves.
Russia will overpower Ukraine. Putin is out of contorl and the world is on alert. With the exception of the cowards in China, India and Key countries in the middle east the world is banding together like at not other time since the 1940's. Russian people around the world but mostly in country must speak up and should light the torch of freedom and get Putin out of office any way they can.
Their military is killing innocent non-military citizens of Ukraine who did nothing to Russia to provoke this lunatic Putin. Where is the true valor of the Russian military? Maybe the time is right for the utlimate of sanctions and bleed the Russian markets dry.
Wow!!! The old, “things could turn on a dime” is a true statement today. While so many in America are barreling down the petty grievance highway, or complaining their latte has too much foam, Ukraine is under attach. Now you can have the conversation of whether or not this is important to you, and we can all play armchair quarterback on what the best solution is. Everyone will have their own opinion, and that’s okay, but for this article alone, the topic is “Grateful”. Us, us as people, us as a nation, a country of liberties and freedoms, and grateful we had men and women die to give us this wonderful nation. Grateful we live in this nation. We have so many luxuries that we take for granted. You do not have to be financially rich, in order to have those luxuries, they are afforded to us all.
The people in Ukraine are not concerned with pronouns, names on schools, who uses what bathrooms or what political party sign is on their neighbors lawn. They have rockets, and bombs going off in their backyard. Literally!, their backyard. They are forced into subways to shelter in place. Or told to shelter in their homes. They are told to pick up arms and defend their country. Or throw a Molotov cocktail out the window. Can you imagine how potentially unsafe making and throwing a petrol bomb would be. They are trying to keep a neonatal unit open because power is sporadic. They are sending their children to schools with post it notes pinned to their jacket with the child’s blood type. So many horrors to list and none we ourselves would want to imagine or experience.
This is not to say that day to day issues, or goals and aspirations should be ignored or considered unimportant. Of course they are important, they are the priorities of us as Americans. We are Americans living the American Dream, people risk their lives to live the American Dream. We are free to dream, to live, love ,laugh, climb the ladder of success and have the chance to be what we want. Worship our God and say what we want. We can disagree and argue, because we have the freedom, the luxury, to do these things.
But make no mistake, Things can certainly turn on a dime. As John Bradford said, “but for the grace of God, there go I. “ In a split second, a keystroke and the press of button, a cyber incident could shut off our lights, interrupt our water supply, stop air travel, food supplies. Some say, perhaps worse.
Today, perhaps we should look at our spouse, our children our modest home our neighbors unkempt lawn and be grateful we have those luxuries. The luxury to argue with our neighbor, family, friends or have civil discourse, or just the ability to put our head on a pillow and go to sleep with the sense that the landscape that was there at the time we turned the tv off and laid down for that night’s sleep, that same scenery will be the same one we wake up to. We say our prayers for just that.
So today, when the sun comes up and the light shines on the people you love, you get dressed and face the day, stop for a moment to be grateful. God has blessed us with this beautiful nation. We are not perfect, but we strive to be better everyday. Kiss your kids, your spouse, pat your pet on the head and be grateful you live in the greatest country in the world. Not everyone has that luxury.
Liberty, Freedom and the pursuit of happiness is a luxury we sometimes take for granted.
God bless this nation, and keep her safe. God bless and protect all nations.
Ricky Gervias really lays it out in this show. Social Media at one point had an amazing opportunity to link distances and countries together. But as Social Media grew fence lines began to prop up along the lines of politics and control. What could have been an amazing bridge to newfound relationships and knowledge is not a bag of hatred in many cases and defaming one person or group over another? The very platform owners created a bias and we all saw it happening dividing and creating more hatred. A centralized management approach to social media is a direct reflection of one person or group's view, not the individual trying to communicate.
Today it's time to take this centralized way of managing social media and find a new way. Build a user experience that is truly decentralized and easy to use. Tie this all together with the rise of NFT's and Crypto Currency and the world is your oyster soon.
What are your thoughts? Ready to Walz?
At 20 years old, Sergeant Leon Bass was among the first US soldiers to witness and liberate the Buchenwald Concentration Camp in Germany. In Yad Vashem’s short film, “Liberators and Survivors: The First Moments,” Bass recalled: “I can never forget that day, because when I walked through the gate I saw… human beings that had been beaten, they’d been starved, they’d been tortured. They had been denied everything.”
As a black man, Leon faced racism throughout his life. The impact of what he saw at Buchenwald was so profound that he went on to become a teacher and speaker on racism and the Holocaust, sharing his unique perspective as a witness to various forms of oppression. In 1996, he was awarded the Pearlman Award for Humanitarian Advancement from Jewish Women International.
Leon passed away in 2015 at the age of 90. @yadvashemusa honors his memory and legacy as a hero and activist for the Jewish people and civil rights for all peoples.
Anyone not upset by this should be
I think of the men and women who died for our flag and are still dying for our freedom and these snakes are living high on the hog ---- a life we would love to have for ourselves and our children and they are so dishonorable as to sit on their fat asses. Makes my blood boil, as it should yours.
Members of Congress not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the USA. And to think these people (Democrats) not standing are making laws for the rest of the country. This is a sad state of affairs.
This is sad, sad, sad. It's bad enough to see it with sports, but now it is in our schools and even our U.S. Congress ...If they won't stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, they have no place in our Congress.
Most of the big cryptocurrency exchanges have good security programs. User-level protection such as two-factor authentication (2FA) is pretty standard. When you activate 2FA, you'll need to provide additional information whenever you log on, such as a code you receive by SMS.
But users should look for an exchange that will go the extra mile to keep their Bitcoin and other currencies safe. Here are three additional security measures to look for:
In 1940, Václav "Robert" Bozděch, a Czech air gunner serving with the French Air Force, was flying over northern France when his aircraft was shot down by the enemy fire. Robert survived the crash and went to an abandoned farmhouse. As he entered the kitchen, he discovered a starving German shepherd puppy. He knew the puppy wouldn't survive alone, so he unzipped his leather flying jacket, slipped the puppy inside, and returned to his airbase. Robert named his new friend "Antis", and the dog became the Squadron's mascot. The airmen quickly noticed Antis' ability to hear enemy warplanes long before humans did.
On many occasions, he barked and alerted the airbase of an imminent attack, and on one occasion, he ignored his own injuries in order to rescue his human friends. Shortly after Germany invaded France, Robert and Antis went to England to carry on fighting against the Nazis. Robert served with the Royal Air Force, and Antis followed him everywhere. The German shepherd even flew with Robert on 30 missions over enemy territory. One day, the Wing Commander discovered that Antis flew on missions (which was strictly forbidden), so Robert began saying: "Sir, please let me explain....".
His superior interrupted him and said: "There's a very good English expression that says: what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve after". Robert and Antis both survived the war and remained best friends until Antis died in 1953. His gravestone says in Czech: "Loyal unto death".
Cryptocurrency and Wallets. I thought they were online exchanges. Are they safe? How does an investor protect their online investments that are in an exchange? This video will introduce you to the world of wallets and why you need to re-think keeping your Crypto Codes with the Exchange vs your own private wallet.
Cryptocurrency is gaining momentum one country at a time. Just a few years ago it was something of a hobby but with BitCoin and 1000's others taking shape and gaining in popularity the world of currency has a real choice and thus challenge. Understanding the 101's of Crypto investing and divesting is trickly and very volatile right now. Many see Cryptocurrencies as the next real move to decentralization and the advent of a whole new structure for the world's economies4 to support. Clearly being looked at as a hedge against inflation but that's a topic for another Waltz one day soon. For now, enjoy this video if you are new or if you have never gone through step one with respect to Crypto Currencies and the potential that is right around the corner.
I only see Trump? Were you referring to DeSantis and #45? If so, the only way this benefits the country is with DeSantis leading not Trump. Trump should act as a Business advisor and take on a lessor role. This would unite the party for the majority of what truly makes up the GOP. The rest should go Indy or DEMsville for all I care. Time to vote.
These two are a perfect pair. DeSantas is a great candidate. Sharp, talented, witty and believes in all the things Trump believed in.
This administration is hell bent on crowd control. Turning us into frightened, masked, faceless avatars. Mass conformity seems to be the goal. The general public will receive sparse information, narratives, directions, rules with a large dose of fear. All done in a subtle manner so you don't realize it's happening. The faceless need to sit up and pay close attention.
Hello Gang!
The Liberty Quill wants to thank everyone participating in our new adventure to reshape Social Media. Although all posts are anonymous, we see the content are so happy you have decided to engage and dance with us in this new type of ballroom.
We know it's a big ask to do 20 posts each, but the Liberty Gang believes in Freedom of speech and they do all they can to preserve it.
As the challenges of maintaining free speech in our country sometimes feels a bit daunting, we still push on to preserve. It's not easy creating a decentralized platform, it's also a bit daunting, but with your help, we will get there. No one wants to be constrained to rules and regulations set by Mobs. We are changing the structure so people won't form mobs. We are embarking on changing the way people interact and make it more of a public owned definition. I know, sounds a bit convoluted, but when you join Social Media sites, they now own you. They determine what you can and cannot say, hear, ask or discuss. If you do not stay within the confines of what they determine, then you are silenced. That is not America, it is not Freedom Of Speech.
Right now we do not track or monitor you and we never will. It is completely anonymous. Even if you have signed up and joined, ( which we encourage you and your friends to do ) when you post, it is anonymous. AHHHHHH freedom to say what you wish. No mobs coming after you, no cancelling, just a place to say what you want or post valuable information for others with complete freedom.
Again, thank you, thank you, for all your many posts and pushing through with us. We appreciate you time and efforts. 20 posts each is the goal. Of course you can certainly post more. !!! We recognize there will be some struggles and bumps with this new user experience but appreciate you sticking with it and welcome your input.
Our 1st Amendment is not a suggestion, it our right. If people do not take the time and effort to maintain it, then it is lost to all of us. Think of yourselves as the conservationist of Freedom and pat yourselves on the back for your contribution. When freedom of speech is still intact, you can believe you were a big part of accomplishing that.
You will notice the top tab has been replaced with WALTZ. We are all dancing this together. So if we're gonna dance, Let's do it! See you on the dance floor.
Freedom and Liberty For All
Political activist Ben Garrison has built a library of amazing statements through his very effective artwork. There are times when he goes far-right but right now he is firing on all cylinders to get the message of Control and Power out to the public. It's a shame that more journalists have not taken on the challenge of investigating the out-of-control runaway administration. Time will tell how the mid-terms of 2022 will be impacted by all of this.
Control is the ultimate weapon when those who thirst for more power seek to control a large swath of a population. By establishing the control rules and gaining Media acceptance to promote it and not challenge it we get to where we are today.
However, as we all saw in the NFL Playoffs and worse in the Super Bowl this year not quite the same rules for those in influence and power and our beloved Media? Well they just stared and did nothing.
The hope of those who believe in the Republic is squarely on his shoulders when it comes to freedom in its purest sense. Governor Desantis is not a rebel. He is a true believer and was elected on a platform that he is intending on delivering results for. There is a reason Trump resides in his state at present and if the former President was wise he would begin to show Desantis as the true heir apparent to the GOP. While all signs are leaning that Trump just might run again I believe this would set the party back. Let Desantis take the reins now. Get behind him now and watch the mid-terms soar.
Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute: “Stay-at-home orders in real life become a class-protection scheme to keep high-end laptop professionals shielded from the virus while imposing the burden of exposure on people who have no option but to be out and about.In other words, the working classes are effectively forced to bear the burden of herd immunity.”
Let that sink in, everyone. Especially the liberal lap dogs to our Covid Task Force and complicit media hacks. I hear the familiar tune of “We Are The World” playing in the background.
“Lockdowns are a luxury of the affluent.” Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University and one of the originators of the Great Barrington Declaration. Not a “fringe” scientist.
My question is, where oh where is the “humanity” of the left, when inhumane lockdowns are lauded by them as necessary and helpful in mitigation of this virus? Because the next pandemic is only an “accidental” release away from triggering another shit show of a similar worldwide public health pandemic response.
This man is leading the way to freedom and a Constitutional Republic once again. I like to call him “Trump with Manners” 😂 He is heaven sent, and I hope there is a future for him in Conservative leadership of our nation. He’s sharp as a tack, mild mannered but firm, has a sixth sense regarding what is right for America. Don’t believe the crap you read or see in the mainstream lame stream media. They denigrate him because they’re threatened by him. Long live Ron DeSantis! Cheers! 🍻🇺🇸‼️
Perhaps the reason our government wants illegals to vote is because they know our vote matters. If they devalue the legitimate votes of American citizens, they may feel they are ahead of the game. One illegal vote cancels out one Legitimate American vote. This is just a variation of foreign voter interference . A way to stack the deck so to say. Devaluation seems to be a common theme. Devalue our dollar, our vote, our citizenship
Through the years this country has seen culture shifts. Some good, some not so good. Remember back in the 60's, "you can't trust anyone over the age of 30" ? In the 1960's and at Berkeley U, about 500 students of all political persuasions began an exercise in civil disobedience. The Free Speech Movement. "We Shall Not Be Moved !" was a familiar chant. Ultimately, the university officials agreed to sit with the students and negotiate. After respecting the students and hearing them out, a compromise was established.
Justin Trudeau was a mere 7 years old when the Free Speech Movement hit San Francisco, so it's understandable that he would be clueless on how to handle civil disobedience. The truckers in Canada want the respect of being heard. Listened to. But Justin Trudeau will have no parts of a dialogue. Not worth his time or interest. Had he just did a small bit of self reflection and perhaps digging into the Free Speech Movement, he would have taken a lesson from the university officials and sat down with the Truckers to hear them out. The sheer arrogance that the truckers were not even worthy of a I'll Hear You Out attitude is disgraceful.
The truckers wanted what we all want. Respect. Aretha Franklin sang a song about it. Just hear what I have to say. What Justin Trudeau did was to turn his back, close his ears and launch a full on attack. The truckers have been peaceful, respectful, and happy in their actions. They have not resorted to violence, in fact, just the opposite. They have music, dancing, bouncy houses, BBQ and dialogue. None of that is considered extreme or threatening. But the haircut in a $3000 suit initially put his tail between his legs and fled. In fear? Fear of what? Certainly not violence. No one had committed any acts of violence. Fear of not being able to meet them on their level of concern and perhaps negotiate a compromise. His fear was he knew he was ill equipped to have a conversation with anyone he considered a commoner. If any of that common man slime rubbed on him he may not be able to wash it off before the next G7. And with that attitude in is pocket, he became the one who became violent and aggressive.
This aggressive behavior is encouraged by Joe Biden and members of the American Media. Joe Biden needs Trudeau to be triumphant in his tyrannical solution, because that will open the door for he and his elites to do the same in this country. Encroachment of ones rights is not an immediate. It takes time and deliberation. And, the success of someone else's attempt gives courage for your actions.
Americans should not be fooled by the "this is in another country" attitude. The thought process of our elected officials is the same. You have seen it displayed in their attitude towards parents. They have labeled them terrorists. They have no desire to listen to them or their concerns. Shut up, do as you're told and no one will get hurt. The because I'm the mom headset doesn't work on full grown adults. The Grand Wizards of our government should make no mistake, the tide is turning. People are coming out of their fearful shells and starting to speak up and no attempt at bullying them into silence will work. They will be out in droves.
So keep your voices loud!!!! Let them hear you!!!!! Take advantage of your freedom to speak and others will follow. Until such time that that happens.............
Let Freedom and your voices Ring loud and clear
Voting itself is suddenly thrust into a questionable state of security? WY too many unanswered questions that the Soros media has controlled the narrative tightly When the media refuses to investigate the body of evidence well welcome to today
Why is there such a thirst to allow voting without registration or identification presented at the polling location? Illegal visitors allowed to vote? Why can’t all of Europe, China, Russia vote as well?
If each of the free societies exercises their voting rights then perhaps the situation is either reversible to acceptable. The world is changing right before our eyes. Many will argue that our freedoms are at risk and I'm one of them. But I have to also say if the voting is leaning towards a controlled society then the minority will have a real issue going forward.
The Biden administration is not controlled by the office of the President. That is obvious. There are pockets of power-hungry individuals who have a shot at something that can be reversed by the mid-terms. There has never been a more important vote than the 2022 mid-terms and the parties all know this.
Where is the voice of the Independents during all of this? Did they just give up due to their lack of leverage in the general sense of things? I believe they are key to one direction or the other although the GOP appears ready to show up this year and vote.
Read the definition of Tyranny. See any similarities?
Joe Biden has encouraged this behavior from Trudeau because he and his cronies want this same power. They believe in a controlled people and they will use force if they have to.
Trusting with the heart leads to righteousness, and confessing with the mouth leads to salvation.
Romans 10:10
Has it occurred to anyone that Joe Biden is encouraging Trudeau to violate all rights of civil protest, because if Trudeau is successful in Canada, it will green the green light to do the same in this country. Biden needs Trudeau to be victorious. Biden and his crew want nothing more than to crush free speech in this country. Conformity is their mantra. All must conform. If you think this type of tyranny is not coming to this country, you really are naive. Our government has tried to cloud the definitions of words. Burning down buildings in the "summer of Love" is considered peaceful protesting, or positive activism. Having dancing, praying and honking your horn in an effort to petition your government is considered terrorism.
Tyranny or our leaders is on the rise in this country and others. Covid made the elites drunk on power and they love the high.
This is the day the Lord has made, We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
The difference between people and monkeys, is monkeys don't put the dumbest among them in charge
yep, they sure did
I have heard that the RCMP rode over and trampled protesters. Is this true, does anyone have pictures or video?
The Aftermath Of Covid
There is no doubt Covid 19 has left a destructive mess in this country. Aside from the many deaths resulting from contracting the virus, it has stolen the lives of many more. The suicide rate went up to a level we have not seen in decades. Either as a result of isolation, loss of jobs, loss of income, loss of family and or friends, or loss of community. Nursing homes and the elderly as we know were especially hit hard. They were locked in their rooms with very little human contact. No family, no friends within the facility, no stimulation. Those who took outdoor walks, or perhaps attended an activity, or attended church services, or went to their relatives homes on a Sunday for dinner and family, all came to a screeching halt. This lack of stimulation and human contact, coupled with fear and confusion, led to a progression of dementia and a physical atrophy. And many died alone, sad, confused and feeling abandoned. That sadness should hit all of us hard.
Many on the outside who may have suffered financial hardships, looked to the church and their communities for comfort and support. They were denied this. Many people who are otherwise introverts, attend church as a sense of belonging. They feel that even though they do not engage in many social activities or gatherings, the church fills that void of isolation and loneliness. Although it may only be for one day on a Sunday, sometimes it is just the prescription they need to take them through the week. Alcoholics, drug attics, gamblers, etc many times search out spiritual groups as a form of support and comfort. It helps to believe in a higher power, something bigger than themselves, and their problems. Seek and ye shall find. And be comforted.
Our constitution provides for us as American citizens and humans, to assemble as we choose. And yet, governors and mayors proclaimed that as unlawful assemblies. As the months worn on and the isolation continued, we watched as protestors and riots broke out in our streets across the country. Businesses were burned, looted, cities left in ruins, with no reaction from those same officials who imposed imprisonment laws on the masses. And so the deaths continued, not from the virus itself, but as a result of the forced isolation. Many Christians across this country held prayer meetings in their homes, undetected. The invitations were extended covertly so as not to arouse possible violations. How tragic that in a free country, Christians would have to operate as an illicit industry. Reduced to the early 1920’s Prohibition years, conducting church in a speak easy fashion. Those who attempted services in a parking lot or worse yet dared to sing songs of praise to God were arrested and taken to jail. While broadcasted on the nightly news were thousands of rioters burning private property and even killing police officers, free from the injurious consequences of lessor actions such as church service or funerals.
In the aftermath of this pandemic, a pandemic of much greater proportions than originally predicted, we need to ask ourselves what lessons have we learned, what positive takeaway do we have, what good can we produce going forward. And most of all, how do we secure our freedom and liberty, given to us not just through our constitution, but from God. I heard a pastor recently say that we all must Shuwb, the jewish word for return. Return to God. It inspired me to do exactly that. Perhaps we all should. Shuwb to God, turn our questions and love to Him. Shuwb to our roots as Americans, live our lives in freedom, with the liberty to do so. I have often said that the Bible is my go to book. We look to it for guidance in our daily lives as Christians. Our Constitution is our go to document on how to conduct ourselves as Americans. We are blessed that we live in a country that allows us religious freedom, we would be wise not to take that for granted.
And you thought it was just a1973 Eddie Kendricks song. Nope, not any more. But just as the song suggests," Diesel powered, straight to you....for your love, through sleet and snow," the truckers in Canada stay strong. Their love, you ask, Freedom!!
We've seen this type of movement before from truckers. Actually a year after this song was released. In 1974 the truckers went to Washington. They were galvanized then, and they are even more so in 2022. This time, they are united in more than what just effects them, but of all people. The freedom of choice. They represent so many people who have for the last 2 years, felt helpless in having control over their own lives and decisions.
Much to the government and the media's chagrin, most people are in favor of the Truckers and their tenacity. They may not agree completely with shutting down roadways, or causing the inconvenience, but make no mistake, they support them. Secretly cheering them on in unity with them and sounding a message loud and clear. People want their lives back, the lives the government had no right to take from them. The infringement has gone on too long.
For two years, the government has destroyed small businesses, ruined lives, harmed children, put masses of people out of work, insisted they cover their faces and inject their bodies, all the while being unaffected at all. Most decent people were willing to sacrifice for a short amount of time for the greater good of mankind. ( If we are even permitted to use that noun anymore ) But, people have now reached their toleration limit. They are done. But don't know how or what to do about it. And then, almost by telepathic summons, the truckers appeared on site.
Whoa!!!! These guys are taking a stance. And in a big disruptive, in your face, pay attention way. This "movement" is spreading. There is no actual movement, as things have come to a standstill, but spreading in numbers it is. There is solidarity not just among the truckers, but also from people who have been directed to remove the truckers. Tow truck drivers have declined to assist in removing them, average people have stepped in to bring gas, food, etc. and 1000's of people have donated money to the cause.
Why would people do that for truckers, people they don't know? Reason, because it's not just about the truckers, it's about all of us and Freedom for all. 2 years ago people viewed truckers as heroes. They were essential, they brought us what we ourselves could not get or do for ourselves . Now people view them as champions. Average people, just like themselves, standing up for freedom, taking up challenge for all of us. Doing what we cannot do.
Of course, you have the elites referring to them as "racist" ( the go to word) and you have other media morons suggesting that they slash their tires, empty their gas tanks, arrest the truckers and remove the trucks. Exactly how to do you remove a big rig? Do you call 1800-MoveTwinScrews?
Are they a local company? And wouldn't they use a big rig and truckers to do it?
We will watch this play out. Where this ends is anyone's call. But in the meantime,
Keep Freedom Moving, and Keep On Truckin'
Why is it that the American public are so resistant to following the mask mandates? The left is so astonished that the American people simply will not comply with their edicts. With fists clenched and disdain spewing, they are insulted that the American people are disobeying them. How dare you disobey!!! Follow the Science !!!! Do as we say!!! We know best!!! You aren't intelligent enough to know the complexities of all this. You don't have the wherewithal to figure this stuff out. It is beyond your comprehension. We have been clear on this!!!!!!
The Great Oz Has Spoken!!!!!!!
Well, a major reason people don't take them seriously is because they themselves don't take their orders seriously. If they did, they would abide by them. The best way to convince someone is to show by example. Orders are given to stay home, mask up, stay 6 feet apart. Don't go to weddings, don't attend funerals, don't go for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with family or friends. Kids can't go to school and when they do, they must wear a mask the entire time, even outside in the fresh air. Should they want to go to band practice, they are forced to go inside some idiotic looking plastic box that looks like a port-a-potty and try to blow a horn through a mask with a hole in it. They, like the rest of America, must stay isolated. And if you do not follow this insanity and play along, you are chastised, ridiculed, ostracized and banished from polite society. The ridiculousness of all of this insanity is now not lost on the average American.
The more convincing message that the "leaders", the powerful elite, are sending is by their actions.
We have all seen the pictures of them in restaurants, hair salons, ball games, swanky birthday bashes,weddings, etc. without a mask. Torturing children to wear snot soaked masks for 6 hours and pose for a picture with you with a big grin on your face is not only distasteful and hypocritical, it just demonstrates what bad judgement you have, therefore convincing others you have no business making larger impactful decisions. Another insult, having a $20,000 a plate fundraiser dinner, not wearing a mask, and yet have all the plebeian servers mask up before they deliver your food and drink. It is either the height of hubris or the epitome of stupidity.
Why would anyone believe there is such a threat of illness or possible death, if you yourself don't appear to believe it or be afraid of it? If it were so scary, wouldn't you be taking every precaution to protect yourself? Because after all, no one is more important and worthy of protection than the powerful elite. And yet, the fear blabbing and demands for obedience continue. Louder and more forceful.
People believe what they see more than what they hear. You know the thing, Actions speak louder than words. They actually do. Could you imagine a physician telling you the dangers of eating bread as he takes a big bite out of a bologna sandwich? You'd think he was either deliberately lying to you, incorrect on the facts and data, or just a bad doctor giving bad advise. Which ever it is, you would ignore him.
After 2 years of businesses going under, loosing jobs, denying of personal socializing and just plain condescension and disdainful carnage, the American people have just about had it up to their collective eyeballs. They are now demanding an end to the insanity and want answers from their "leaders". Especially when it comes to their children. Parents are willing to sacrifice a lot, but don't sacrifice their children. 2 years later, have any real studies been done on the effects of these "for you own good" rules and regulations. What damage has been caused? What damage is recoverable and what is permanent ? Have they done any assessments on the harmful effects all this lunacy has visited on our children? Scholastically, they may be able to recover, but the social, psychological and physiological detriments, who knows. We know they have difficulty learning how to navigate through disagreements with their piers, they have problems understanding social nuances, recognizing the meaning of a smile or perhaps a frown of disappointment. What effect has an eight hour mask day done to the development of their teeth and oral hygiene? Has anyone even bothered to ask? Or consulted a dentist? How sad that in their quest for power and control the "leaders" have sacrificed the very people they profess to protect. It's about the "children".
"The Children"
All the people they were so intent on controlling, they have in fact had the opposite effect. People are less compliant and more defiant. If one were to write a lesson plan on how to demolish trust, this is what you would have done. It is a step by step guide on how to accomplish total mistrust and loose all credibility. They went too far. As always, they just don't know when to stop.
However, on the bright side, this inadvertently was the kick in the butt the American people needed to wake up, smell the coffee, and start thinking on their own and making decisions that suit them best in their personal lives. The American people have ceased to be sheep. The power push has shifted. The powerful elite during their masquerade parties, and intoxicating power joy ride, have just awakened the sleeping giant. Namely,
The American People
Rules for thee and not for me
it's all just a masquerade
The government is making all attempts to keep information from reading the general public. the mask is a great symbol of keep your mouth shut.
Our government has so mishandled this. Biden and company along with Big Pharma have done their upmost best to stifle information and also info about therapeutics. Not everyone is capable of getting the "vaccine". But therapeutics are available, but the government is attempting to deny them. Why? Why would a government not do everything possible? And what diseases do they next decide are treatable or to. What therapeutics will be denied for what ailments? When the government starts to determine what treatments you can and cannot use, that should scare you. You should be nervous about a government who thinks they can determine who is treated and who is not. What class, race etc has access and which are disposable
The press and big tech in this country has silence so much information. They have determined what we can and cannot see or hear. They have stunted and silenced many voices and refused to have any dialogue that may be different than theirs. They determine who and who can't use their platforms. Can you imagine if Johannes Gutenberg had restricted who could and could not use his printing press? First, he would have limited the usability of many of his invention, and only a select narrative would be given to the people.
This is what is happening now. There is a select few who determine who can use the "printing press" and who can't. What can be said and what can't. A complete stomping on our 1st Amendment. Freedom of speech. Freedom of the press. Shameful and controlling behavior.
Those who say, "well that type of speech is offensive to me". and advocate for silencing, have not thought about the fact that next time it may be Their speech, or Their cause that will be silenced. And they will not stop for self reflection and realize they themselves created that scenario.Gutenberg is doing somersaults in his grave right now.
With all the WHO's investments in China at the Lab, why haven't we seen a tad more transparency? Follow the money and ye shall see but where are the networks? Where are the journalistic professionals who actually give a crap about the future? Looks like a lovely place to figure this out.
Two years and billions of dollars later what has our beloved government and its key affiliates (CNN, MSNBC and CBS/NBC/ABC learned.? The beloved Gov of California has announced a permanent Waltz with COVID in the form of a state of endemic. Thus resulting in a complete defeat on his part and everyone else per Govy Gavin.
It's tough trusting our own government, why would we trust Russia? When you line up over 100K troops on someone's border, it's rather obvious they are delivering a pizza
You can love him, you can hate him, doesn't matter. You don't have to have him over for Christmas dinner. But he did make this country energy independent, not sure about you, but paying $4.10 a gallon for gas is shameful. Last time gas prices were this high guess who was in the White House? Yep Biden was VP.
That makes a lot of sense
Excellent points! When you allow illegals to vote in or elections, that is the definition of foreign influence in our elections. It also, cancels out the legitimate vote of an American citizen. That would be part of the reason people say they don't feel their vote is valuable or actually counts. Because in essence, it doesn't .
Fed up with our less than secure borders the people take to mass media old school type. America has always been home to those that seek a better life. No harm no foul there. But we like many countries have laws and rules to follow our processes to become legitimate and eventually a citizen of the USA. But when all we do is ignore the real issues and bend or break our laws by allowing the flooding of illegal aliens, some of which are here for less than pure reason, to enter the country and in some states get them registered to vote well that's broken. The mid-terms this year are the most critical period of the past 8 years to right the ship and get this back under a normalized way of becoming an American.
Say you are building a new company and all of your small circle of friends are either on the fence with your idea or they lack the funds to be a part of your journey. What if there was another way? What if a platform allowed you to build your dream utilizing experts in the field whereby your financial contribution is reduced to a point where it all may be possible and have access to the best and the brightest to help you develop and grow your dream?
The platform will learn and will continue to figure out where the public wants to take it. You have to think differently when you come to a decentralized visitor-controlled media platform. Enjoy it. Don't fight it. Create and Innovate.
Imagine the power of the media if held accountable to old-fashioned fact-based journalism. Imagine if such a network emerged from the mass media disaster we have today. Sounds like an opportunity.
CNN - MSNBC - ABC amounts to 3 blind mice hear no evil see no evil. Journalism be dammed
Your creative mind can cause illusions beyond your own horizon. This site will test you and push you to think about what is right in front of you and engage in deeper thought. No rules creates a good confusion that can truly unlock pure thought
What if we all chose the top 10 places to visit via images? Any guesses?
See where this goes
This site is a bit confusing. I hope I did this right
Watch your freedom
Try to see the forest through the trees
Thinking this is the future
No clue as to what you are agreeing to? Odd
What is a Hoove?
Or if you think Crypto will rise above the ash of the Inflationary delivering administration it could be the perfect purchase! Will JP Morgans entry into decentralization push crypto deeper in to the traditional markets on the currency side of the equation?
Might want to rethink this purchase
Tell me again why depending on OPEC is a good thing? Get ready for the gas lines of the 1970's. Wonder what Carter is thinking today.
Hoove All Day!
Russia seeing a massive opportunity dealing with the current administration
A kiss from Russia
She really needs to just retire and hope everyone just forgets she exists