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You Have To Vote For Them To Find Out What Their Policies Are

Evidently these two have taken some tips from Nancy Pelosi. Kamala Harris is a tad bit nervous about speaking to the press, perhaps because she would not have a telepromter. So the best way to find out what a politician's platform is, is to go to their website, where they would have their policies listed so one could make an informed decision. Well, lets see what we find there..

The first page to pop up has 6 red boxes with donation denominations on them for you click on and donate. The buttons range from $25 to $100, $250, $1000 "Other" and one $47. Guessing that is the subliminal button.

Then there is a menu button. That takes you to a page that reads Meet Kamala Harris, (for those who have never heard of her) Meet Tim Walz, (for those who forgot he's the guy who let MN burn for 3 days) Take Action button, Events button, Store button, (where you can buy all kiinds of great swag to wear around your friends to show how Woke and Virtuous you are) and then another Donate button. Which then takes you again to 7 buttons that range $10, $25, $100, $250, $1,000, $2,000 (that's the wealthy people the democrates are always demonizing), the $47 button and the blank $_____ button in case you're confused. Don't worry, confusion is part of the policy.

So after scrolling to find her actual platform and policy, I found there is nothing listed. Leaving me the impression that That is her policy. Nothing. Well I guess that clears it up for all of us. However, I did hear her in Las Vegas the other night say she is going to make sure there is "no tax on tips". Wait a minute, where have I heard that? Oh yeah! Donald Trump has been saying that. So okay, now I get it. Kamala Harris must think Donald Trump is better equipped to handle the economy than she is. So like her predessor, she will just plagiarize some one else's ideas, like those of Donald Trump. So if you want to find out what the rest of her policies are, I guess you have to go to There's a big long list there, 20 of them. They look like pretty good policies too. I was impressed. Trump also has a Store area with great swag stuff and the donation page.

It would though be respectful to the voting public, if Kamala would actually answer a few questions. TV commentators are saying it is disrespectful to the press that she won't answer any of their questions. I would submit it disrespectful to the American People. Sadly, it appears she has contempt for the voter and does not feel they are entitled to ask questions or deserving of any answers. Maybe she never had to interview for a job before. When you apply for job, you go to the interview and the prospective employer asks you questions. And if you give the resume and answers of someone else, well then, the employer will probably hire the other guy. Why take an imitation when you can get the original.

So we really don't have to elect them to find out what their policies are, we can just elect the guy that she stole the policies from.

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Aug 26

Sad that so many people hate so much that they stopped caring about who their vote goes to 4 more years of defund the legal system and separate our schools from the families they serve Another four years of lies and hiding in plain sight it’s sad but brilliant at the same time

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