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Has it occurred to anyone that Joe Biden is encouraging Trudeau to violate all rights of civil protest, because if Trudeau is successful in Canada, it will green the green light to do the same in this country. Biden needs Trudeau to be victorious. Biden and his crew want nothing more than to crush free speech in this country. Conformity is their mantra. All must conform. If you think this type of tyranny is not coming to this country, you really are naive. Our government has tried to cloud the definitions of words. Burning down buildings in the "summer of Love" is considered peaceful protesting, or positive activism. Having dancing, praying and honking your horn in an effort to petition your government is considered terrorism.
Tyranny or our leaders is on the rise in this country and others. Covid made the elites drunk on power and they love the high.
Read the definition of Tyranny. See any similarities?
Joe Biden has encouraged this behavior from Trudeau because he and his cronies want this same power. They believe in a controlled people and they will use force if they have to.
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