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If you find this content harmful please report and out team will review it.
We believe in free speech. Anyone should be able to think and talk about whatever they want whenever they want for whatever reason they want.
We do not, however, have the right to harm the innocent. As such, we have included this report button which is to be used by our community to flag obscene content. Child Pornography, torture, and killing have no place in civil discourse. While we encourage you to discuss whether or not these activities are justified, displays of such harm will not be condoned. SPEAK about it, if you must, but do not share videos or images. Be vigilant, report, and our team will review and take appropriate action. All reports are anonymous.
Ricky Gervias really lays it out in this show. Social Media at one point had an amazing opportunity to link distances and countries together. But as Social Media grew fence lines began to prop up along the lines of politics and control. What could have been an amazing bridge to newfound relationships and knowledge is not a bag of hatred in many cases and defaming one person or group over another? The very platform owners created a bias and we all saw it happening dividing and creating more hatred. A centralized management approach to social media is a direct reflection of one person or group's view, not the individual trying to communicate.
Today it's time to take this centralized way of managing social media and find a new way. Build a user experience that is truly decentralized and easy to use. Tie this all together with the rise of NFT's and Crypto Currency and the world is your oyster soon.
What are your thoughts? Ready to Walz?
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