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Our government has so mishandled this. Biden and company along with Big Pharma have done their upmost best to stifle information and also info about therapeutics. Not everyone is capable of getting the "vaccine". But therapeutics are available, but the government is attempting to deny them. Why? Why would a government not do everything possible? And what diseases do they next decide are treatable or to. What therapeutics will be denied for what ailments? When the government starts to determine what treatments you can and cannot use, that should scare you. You should be nervous about a government who thinks they can determine who is treated and who is not. What class, race etc has access and which are disposable
Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute: “Stay-at-home orders in real life become a class-protection scheme to keep high-end laptop professionals shielded from the virus while imposing the burden of exposure on people who have no option but to be out and about.In other words, the working classes are effectively forced to bear the burden of herd immunity.”
Let that sink in, everyone. Especially the liberal lap dogs to our Covid Task Force and complicit media hacks. I hear the familiar tune of “We Are The World” playing in the background.
“Lockdowns are a luxury of the affluent.” Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University and one of the originators of the Great Barrington Declaration. Not a “fringe” scientist.
My question is, where oh where is the “humanity” of the left, when inhumane lockdowns are lauded by them as necessary and helpful in mitigation of this virus? Because the next pandemic is only an “accidental” release away from triggering another shit show of a similar worldwide public health pandemic response.